Widows Sons Shop

Our new site has everything with FREE SHIPPING!!!

Free Shipping!

All items have free shipping! Some items ship from the US and others from Canada. 

Fulfilled in Canada!

These items are all fulfilled in Canada so you won’t have to worry about customs delays or charges.  We strive to find the best deals we can, but only some items are finished in Canada.  Free shipping applies to every item!, no matter where they are shipped from, but items from outside Canada may have custom duties.


Not every, but some items are customizable where you can add some text to the design, like your chapter name, your road name, or whatever else you like!


What items are fulfilled in Canada?

Look for the product catagory Fulfilled in Canada!

Is this owned by a Widows Sons member?


Is this owned and operated by a Mason?


Does this site make gobs of profit off the backs of Masons?

This site has yet to make a profit, it is done out of a passion for creating, a love of motorcycles and Freemasonry.  When there is profit, it will mostly be disbursed to charities, or free schwag to be given away!

Can we make custom items?

Yes! Send us a message with what you are looking for! No, we don’t charge for designing for you!

Can I add my Chapter name or road name to an item?

Yes! Look for the customizable items here!

Have you stolen designs, or can I copy them?

There are no stolen works here. Everything is either in house or bought with a license to reproduce. You really shouldn’t copy anything, especially since we can do anything you want pretty much!